Brady Workstation Mobile apps

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Brady Workstation also includes apps to easily design or finalise a wide range of labels with any smartphone. Very practical to create a label on the spot when in the field.

Install our free apps and experience how easy label design can be.

Brady Express Labels


With our Express app installed, you can easily design complex labels with 1D and 2D codes and barcodes, serialise, use an extensive image library, include text, a time stamp and even data from the cloud. The Express app offers the most comprehensive label design capabilities available for any smartphone and includes design wizards to quickly create specific identification labels.

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Printer compatibility:

Brady Print Partner


Brady Print Partner is a companion app for Brady Workstation and LabelMark 6 software. The app simplifies printing your .BWS, .BWT, .L6T and .L6F files to select Brady printers. Once you (or someone in your company) create a template, you simply download the file to your mobile device or access the file from a cloud drive, complete information and print.... It's that simple!

Printer compatibility:

Brady Text Labels


Brady Text Labels app simplifies creating & printing text (or line mode) labels. This app is ideal for electrical contractors, cable installers, and other technicians who create labels on the job and in the field. Create single line text labels or transform them into multi-line wire marker labels with a single tap. When paired with a Bluetooth or WiFi connected printer, the Text Labels app displays which supply is currently loaded in your printer through Brady's smart cell technology.

Printer compatibility: