More safety with top lockout procedures

Custom lockout procedures for more safety

See our complete Lockout/Tagout solution

Brady engineers have created thousands of lockout procedures for hundreds of companies in various industries. Get them to write and implement your best-in-class, company-approved, custom Lockout/Tagout safety procedures as well.

Lockout/Tagout Complete Service

  • Best practice, custom: experienced Brady engineers visit your facilities to create illustrated Lockout/Tagout procedures for your machines
  • Easy to follow: procedures enable step-by-step completion with limited training, and are linked to machine and energy control point labels in the workplace
  • Easily approve, edit, scale and share: work seamlessly across sites and countries with the LINK360 procedure management software. Print up-to-date Lockout/Tagout procedures locally or share digitally with smartphones and tablets.

We offer 3 services:

Lockout/Tagout Assistance service

  • detailed introduction to Lockout/Tagout energy control programme
  • analysis of your current status
  • high level view on Lockout/Tagout procedures
  • basic LINK360 introduction
  • complete Lockout/Tagout procedure for 1 smaller machine
  • pre-audit to determine budget for a Full Visual Lockout Procedure

Visual Lockout Procedure Assistance service

  • introduction to Lockout/Tagout energy control programme
  • complete on-site LINK360 training
  • an example Lockout/Tagout procedure
  • best practices shared to write your procedures

Full Visual Lockout Procedure service

  • kickoff with introduction to Lockout/Tagout energy control programme, and closing meeting
  • on-site audit to identify energy sources
  • all Lockout/Tagout procedures for complete energy isolation per machine presented for your approval in LINK360 + a LINK360 training
  • all procedures ready for sharing with smartphones and tablets via the LINK360 app