Process industry

Brady has solutions to keep your workforce safe and your company compliant

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Brady high-performance labelling materials meet strict safety regulations

Brady is the global leader in workplace safety and compliance solutions. Whether you are in mining, oil and gas production, food or chemical processing, Brady has solutions to keep your workforce safe and your company compliant. Dedicated teams at Brady monitor all relevant compliance and legislative developments across the globe and work well in advance of any new standard introduced by legislative bodies.

We know your working environment presents tough challenges and potential safety risks unique to your industry. Brady works with key players in every sector and has had the privilege to develop specific quality materials resisting exposure to marine conditions, UV, extreme temperatures and chemicals and solvents. Brady takes pride in offering complete solutions which is why we offer a complete portfolio, ranging from safety signage, pipe markers to spill control, lockout/tagout and equipment status products. On demand, Brady’s expert team can help you write your safety procedures.

Standards, Requirements and Specifications



ISO 7010 has been accepted by the European Union as a standard for safety and warning signs. Brady has a full range of ISO 7010 compliant safety & warning signs available. Although the European Union accepted ISO 7010, the sovereign member states of the union are in the process of ratifying the accepted European norm. That is why Brady also offers signs compliant to the current accepted norm in EU member states.

The EU Guidelines 89/655 specify the minimum requirements concerning safety and health while using equipment. Paragraph 2.14 lies down that “every piece of equipment must be fitted with clearly visible devices with which it can be separated from every energy source.

EN ISO 141118 norm related to equipment safety defines the measures regarding energy isolation and power dissipation to prevent hazardous equipment from re-energising. It assures a safe and secure intervention within a risk-prone area.

European directive CEE 89/655 outlines the minimum regulations for the safety and protection of employees when servicing industrial equipment. 


AschG – ArbeitnehmerInnenschutzgesetz – Federal Act on Occupational Health and Safety. AM-VO – Arbeitsmittelverordnung (Ordinance on Work Equipment and Tools) – Regulation of the Federal Ministry of Commerce and Labour on protection of employees while using work equipment paragraph 1, §17 (1).


UTE C18-510 (electrical applications): Describes the need to carry out the necessary procedures ensuring equipment is placed and maintained in a safe position during maintenance and intervention. Activation of equipment under maintenance must be prevented and it must be made clear that the isolated equipment may not be operated. The employer must ensure that all safety procedures are implemented strictly and that they are regularly reviewed.

Best practice document developed by INRS (Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité) in November 2011: ED 6109

Décret 2010-1016 refers to the employer’s obligations for temporary or permanent use of electrical installations

Labour code (article R4215-10) refers to the identification of conductors

Décret 2010-1018 refers to the prevention of electrocution risks

Décret 2010-2118 refers to interventions in electrical installations.

Labour code (article R 4544-5): the part of the machinery subject to maintenance or intervention must be identified and locked.

Arrêté of April 26, 2012: Every operation on electrical equipment must follow the new norm NF C 18-510. Article 1 says that this norm is now included into the French Code of Labour.


The German legislation specifies requirements in the “Minimum requirements for use of industrial installations” or “Betriebssicherheitsverordnung”. (Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health), Annex 1. Work equipment controls must be secured against unintentional or unauthorised activation.

According to the “Minimum requirements for the improvement of the safety and health of workers using industrial installations”, Annex 2, modification, maintenance or repair operations can only be carried out when the work equipment is shut down. The work equipment and all its moving parts must be protected against accidental start and movement.


Direttiva 2001/45/CE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 27 giugno 2001 che modifica la direttiva 89/655/CEE.


UVG – Federal Law on Accident Insurance VUV – Regulation on the Prevention of Accidents and Occupational Diseases title 1, chapter 2, paragraph 1, art. 3 title 1, chapter 3, paragraph 2, art. 30, 31 paragraph 3, art. 37 and paragraph 4, art. 43 EKAS Guideline no. 6512 – Work Equipment

These regulations clearly stipulate that during maintenance, adjusting or cleaning of installations, they have to be in a non-operative state and appropriate devices have to be used to prevent a machine from accidentally switching on.

UK only: BS7671:2008

In the UK the Provision of Work Equipment Regulations, Regulation 19: Isolation from “Sources of Energy” states: “Every employer shall ensure, that where appropriate, work equipment is provided with suitable means to isolate it from all its sources of energy. Every employer shall take appropriate measure to ensure that reconnection of any energy source to work equipment does not expose any person using the equipment to any risk to his health or safety”.

USA (OSHA - Occupational Safety & Health Administration)

OSHA regulation “The Control of Hazardous Energy” (Lockout / Tagout) 1910.147 states that it “requires employers to establish a program and utilize procedures for affixing appropriate lockout devices or tagout devices to energy isolating devices and to otherwise disable machines or equipment to prevent unexpected energisation, start up or release of stored energy in order to prevent injury to employees.”