The WEEE (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) Regulations came into full effect on July 1st 2007, and as a manufacturer of Electronic & Electrical Equipment (EEE), Brady is obliged to comply with these regulations.
We would like to take this opportunity to explain to you what this means for our customer and also what procedures we have taken internally to meet with the regulations.
What are the WEEE Regulations?
The WEEE Regulations mean that as a producer of "EEE" Brady has an obligation to accept back from customers any Electrical & Electronic Equipment we have put onto the market since 13th August 2005. For Brady these products will mostly be printers and barcode scanners. All Electronic & Electrical Equipment put onto the market after this date should by law, be marked with the wheelie bin logo with a line underneath it.
As required by law, Brady has registered under one of the approved producer compliance schemes. The scheme we are part of is run by Valpak. As such we are obliged to make available to all our customers our WEEE Producer Number to prove our registration.
Our WEEE Producer Number is: WEE/BE0044SY
What does this mean in terms of products?
This means that should a customer have a Brady printer or scanner which they need to dispose of and they have purchased since 13th August 2005, then they can send back the printer to Brady where we will dispose of it according to the new Directive.
What about Electronic & Electrical Equipment sold before 13th August 2005?
We are only obliged to take back Electronic & Electrical Equipment put onto the market before 13th August 2005 (also known as "Historic WEEE") if it is being replaced by a “like for like” product.
For example: A customer is replacing their old LS2000 printer with a new TLS2200. Brady would accept back the LS2000.
Furthermore, if the "WEEE" or "Historic WEEE" is a non Brady item (e.g a printer made by a competitor), AND it is being replaced by a Brady printer, then we may also take back the old printer.
If I am a Brady Distributor do I have to make any special arrangements for WEEE? No – you do not have to, although as a distributor and therefore a supplier, if you wish, you can operate your own "Take Back" system.
Will there be any additional charges for the implementation of WEEE?
No – Brady will not be making additional charges for this. For end of life Brady producer responsible WEEE, please fill out this form or ring +44 (0) 1295 228 288 (U.K.) to arrange for collection. This will enable us to trace and measure the amount of WEEE we take back as required by law. Please identify the outside of the package boldly as WEEE return.
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