Fighting a marine oil spill

Case study

Marine solutions Spill Kits

Polyeco, a Polygreen Ltd Company, offers integrated and innovative circular economy solutions worldwide. The company’s pioneering solutions aim to improve quality of life, and shape environmental consciousness through purpose-built education.

Challenge: Deliver large amounts of floating spill booms fast

When, on July 25 2020, the bulk carrier Wakashio ran aground on a coral reef near the island of Mauritius, it started leaking fuel before eventually breaking in two. Polygreen immediately deployed a smaller local stock of available spill control solutions from its nearby Mauritian waste management facility.

However, 3 metre waves, strong currents and tidal effects quickly spread the spill over 27 km² and brought it closer to shore, threatening valuable wetlands, coral reefs, mangroves, the marine park of Blue Bay, as well as the Mauritian economy and the island’s food security. As the disaster unfolded, Polygreen quickly realised a major environmental protection operation would be needed, and called its suppliers to deliver additional spill containment and removal solutions as fast as possible.

Solution: Pure meltblown polypropylene oil absorbing booms

Brady Corporation’s SPC Group also answered the call for supplies from Polygreen, and immediately ramped up floating oil absorbing spill boom production.

Polygreen had already identified spill booms as an ideal solution to protect the Mauritian shoreline. Alternatives such as inflatable booms would not last long against sharp coral rock, and fence booms might cause additional drag damage to the already imperiled local marine ecosystem.

SPC produced 2760 metres of spill booms within 2 days after Polygreen’s order, all of them with 100% pure and traceable boom-material. The next day, they were on their way to Mauritius, where they would enable Polygreen to absorb up to 62 100 litres of oil from the sea.

Made out of pure melt blown polypropylene, SPC spill booms absorb oil, not seawater, and they stay afloat, even when fully saturated, or after being damaged by sharp coral and rock formations. The product enabled Polygreen to protect parts of the Mauritian shoreline and to contain the oil spill with a floating dam, effectively stopping more oil from reaching the shore and damaging valuable ecosystems. Once in place, the spill booms also prevented the oil spill from breaking into multiple smaller spills, which would have further increased shore protection complexity.

Spill Boom

Results: High performing spill booms

On December 31, 2020, Polygreen was able to announce the completion of cleaning operations along their assigned 21 kilometres of Mauritian lagoon shoreline. From July 28, until December 31, 340m³ oil, mixed with seawater, had been collected, as well as 2714 metric tons of solid, hazardous waste. To achieve this result, Polygreen joined forces with the local community and employed 250 people whose jobs had been impacted by the oil spill.

Polygreen used Brady SPC’s spill booms at sea from the first days of the spill, until the last. Booms stayed up to 3 months in the water and none sank, even when fully saturated with oil. Sharp rock tore away at the booms, of which some were damaged, however without disintegrating or leaking any oil. This allowed the products to reach full saturation, and enabled responders in the field to trust in the floatable oil dam’s performance. It also enabled Polygreen to save on boom materials and waste disposal cost.

Next to product performance, Polygreen was very satisfied with production speed. SPC produced Polygreen’s order and made it available for shipment to Mauritius within 2 days.