Automated trilingual GHS/CLP-compliance
with one label

Case Study

A large car retailer can repackage and label 800 different products quickly, in full compliance with GHS/CLP-legislation, using trilingual labels to provide optimal support to their customers.

Challenge: Automate trilingual CLP-labelling

A large car retailer repackages about 800 different products in various volumes that need to comply with EU-legislation on the Classification, Labelling and Packaging of dangerous substances (CLP/GHS). The car retailer needed the tools to label repackaged products in a fast, faultless and flexible way. The company also needed 3 languages included in a single CLP-label per product.

Solution: Custom programmed database with automated label printing

Together with a specialised distributor, Brady immediately understood that official CLP-warning phrases, in 3 languages on a single label, would require a custom development. Existing CLP labelling software does not allow more than 2 languages on a single label.

At the request of the customer, Brady reorganised their existing CLP-database and included it as the starting point for an automated labelling solution. Brady specialists wrote a custom software that prints fully compliant CLP-labels in 1 click, after entering the customer’s product code. Technicians from Brady helped install 4 BBP12 Label Printers, linked to 2 workstations, to print the labels in their correct sizes and formats.

Brady also added a complete, password-protected back-office so administrators can easily add, remove and update CLP-labels in the database. Automated, custom faultfinding tools help to easily improve or revisit information in the considerable, 1000+ record CLP-database. Any empty field, or incomplete information in the database that could lead to suboptimal label compliance with EU-legislation, greys out the print button in the software’s front-office printing interface. If this happens, clear error messages enable a fast response from the back-office to print a faultless label quickly.


Results: Fast, compliant and trilingual label printing in a single click

The large car retailer can repackage and label 800 different products quickly, in full compliance with GHS/CLP-legislation, using a custom database and label printing software, and 4 BBP12 Label Printers from Brady. Each label includes 3 languages. This enables the car retailer to make relevant product information available easily and quickly to all of its customers in their own language.